The Heartland Humanist Conference is brought to you by the the Omaha Metro Area Humanist Association (OMAHA) and our student arm at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the UNO Council for Humanist Thought (CHaT). The goal of the Conference is to pr
omote humanism and humanistic thought within our community. Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity.
This conference speaks to the mission of the Omaha Metro Area Humanist Association which is to promote the awareness, acceptance and equality of humanists in our community, advocate for progressive values, support the development and advancement of humanist thought, support the separation of government and religion, encourage rational thought and scientific inquiry, and provide a safe environment where humanists and other non-theists can work together to move society forward with a firm reliance on reason and humanity.
Founded in January of 2014, OMAHA is a chapter of the American Humanist Association and, while we are a very young organization, in our first year we’ve chalked up an impressive list of accomplishments toward our strategic objectives, and we’re not done by any means as our work to bring you this conference demonstrates. So, if you believe in reason, compassion, justice, integrity, environmentalism, feminism, equality, secularism, and pluralism, we hope you’ll consider joining us to help move society forward with a firm reliance on reason and humanity.